hilfe photo

It & consumer electronics

Computer, Mac, TV, tablet, smartphone, music, video and more:


Instruction and learning videos for various areas:


Furniture construction, sanitary and other repairs:

Household & garden

Cleaning, washing, gardening, looking after animals, errands and more:


Moving help, vehicle rental, carpooling and more:


Translation help, projects, start-up support, events, free time:

Welcome to next2me help


The service portal for friendship services and professional services in (almost) all areas. We want to encourage mutual support on simpler questions. True to the motto: If you support one, another will soon support you! We offer a platform to connect you with the right people in your region. No matter whether you need help or want to offer other help. And if an inquiry requires special knowledge, tools or other tools, we also offer professional services from certified companies from a single source. Quality is our top priority! Our mission is therefore to find, qualify, catalog and publish the cheapest companies at the right time

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